The curvy, picturesque and lightly traveled paved country roads of Oroville Washington and surrounding areas will delight and challenge road cycling enthusiasts. Starting at Oroville's Depot Museum, where you'll find a bike repair station, you can head off in several directions to find easy to challenging road cycling routes.

Heading east out of Oroville you'll have one of your steepest climbs to get to the Highlands. The road winds up through the Tonasket Creek canyon before getting to the rolling meadows and forests of the Highlands. Through the canyon section be sure to stay as far right as you can even though the vehicle traffic here is light. A nice side trip is the 5 mile paved road to the Molson Ghost Town.
Heading West you can follow the Similkameen trail, a rail to trail conversion, for a less vigorous trail with scenic views. Cross the Girder Bridge and enjoy the view of the Enole Dam. Click here for a printable version of our biking map

View road cycling routes and segment descriptions of Oroville Washington on our BIKING PAGE.